Author Archive

Sony going after anyone hosting PS3 jailbreak code

Feb 08, 2011 in Uncategorized

..and I say:

erk: C0 CE FE 84 C2 27 F7 5B D0 7A 7E B8 46 50 9F 93
     B2 38 E7 70 DA CB 9F F4 A3 88 F8 12 48 2B E2 1B
riv: 47 EE 74 54 E4 77 4C C9 B8 96 0C 7B 59 F4 C1 4D
pub: C2 D4 AA F3 19 35 50 19 AF 99 D4 4E 2B 58 CA 29
     25 2C 89 12 3D 11 D6 21 8F 40 B1 38 CA B2 9B 71
     01 F3 AE B7 2A 97 50 19
R:   80 6E 07 8F A1 52 97 90 CE 1A AE 02 BA DD 6F AA A6 AF 74 17
n:   E1 3A 7E BC 3A CC EB 1C B5 6C C8 60 FC AB DB 6A 04 8C 55 E1
K:   BA 90 55 91 68 61 B9 77 ED CB ED 92 00 50 92 F6 6C 7A 3D 8D
Da:  C5 B2 BF A1 A4 13 DD 16 F2 6D 31 C0 F2 ED 47 20 DC FB 06 70

“Everybody draw Muhammad” day..

May 21, 2010 in Uncategorized

Thanks to Jonathan Shapiro, aka Zapiro, and The Mail & Guardian, for having the courage.

Datalagringsdirektivet – bare første steg!

Nov 04, 2009 in general, me

Jeg er prinsipiell motstander av datalagringsdirektivet. Jeg mener det fører med seg inngrep i personvernet som ikke kan forsvares. I tillegg vil det være håpløst å gjennomføre i praksis, da det er alt for mange muligheter for å omgå det.

Følgende ble i dag sendt inn som spørsmål til APs Helga Pedersen, med håp om at det besvares i morgendagens nettmøte på Dagbladet:

Dersom argumentene for å innføre DLD er alvorlig ment, så er den eneste logiske konsekvensen at det samtidig må bli både forbudt og teknisk vanskelig- eller umuliggjort for den enkelte å beskytte sin kommunikasjon.

For telefoni er dette kanskje ikke umiddelbart enkelt - men det finnes i dag gode alternativer til den klassiske telefonien.

For epost er dette latterlig enkelt; man trenger f.eks. ikke benytte epost-tjenesten til sin internett-leverandør, og man kan sikre at all kommunikasjon mellom en selv, epost-tjener og epost-mottager er kryptert eller på andre måter uidentifiserbar.

Annen bruk av internett kan svært enkelt anonymiseres.

Det er godt kjent at kriminelle elementer allerede benytter slike teknikker, og dette vil bare bli mer utbredt etter hvert som DLD og andre tilsvarende mottiltak blir iverksatt.

"Uønsket aktivitet" i fremtiden vil, uten et forbud og tekniske virkemidler mot slikt, utelukkende foregå på en slik måte at det ikke kan spores uansett.

Vil et slikt forbud komme? Eller har ledelsen i AP så elendige rådgivere at man ikke har tenkt denne tanken helt ut?

Mine forhåpninger om et fornuftig svar er ikke store. Det merkelige er at jeg ikke har hørt noen andre stille henne, eller andre i AP eller Høyre, samme spørsmål. Det snakkes om personvern, noe som er svært viktig i denne sammenhengen, men lite om svakhetene i DLD. Svakheter som gir tegn om hva som kommer senere, og som ærlig talt gjør meg mørkeredd...

Package upgrading hell

Sep 06, 2009 in Anduin, Users

Just spent the better part of the day upgrading packages on ... Still not done.

Headphone controls/mic support on new MBP!

Jul 19, 2009 in Uncategorized

Yay. The new MacBook Pro (15" at least) supports the control and volume buttons AND the microphone on the iPhone headset (and the in-ears, third-party ones, etc.)! Why can't this be supported on the 2nd-gen Air?!?

Skal det være slik??

Jul 14, 2009 in Uncategorized

"Kort tid etter VG Nett tok kontakt med Nav Østfold, ble Bråten kontaktet og opplyst om at pengene er på vei."

Dette høres jævlig tvilsomt ut... På den annen side, media skal jo være en statsmakt, og det ser saktens ut til at de utfyller den rollen på nye og uventede måter..

Anduin-users mailing list

May 16, 2009 in Uncategorized

Hi all,

Just created a mailing list for users of and friends. Let me know if you feel you should be on it, but haven't received the welcome message.


Scientology and other quacks

Apr 23, 2009 in Uncategorized

Todays VG Nett brings the story about how three of their journalists used hidden cameras to expose the so-called "personality tests" performed by the Church of Scientology. They run their story by Olav G. Ballo, a norwegian politician whose daughter committed suicide last year, allegedly after taking the same test as the VG journalists.

First off: The so-called "Church of Scientology" is bad. It's one of the worst groups of extremists - for the lack of a better word - in the world. Calling it a church is a outright lie; the main goals of the organization is to make money. In order to reach their goals, they shun no measures, and have devised ways of breaking people down to the point where they "belong" to the organization and would do anything for its leaders. People have been financially ruined, fallen medically ill, lost/broken contact with family and friends, committed suicide and probably even killed - all because of, and in the name of, scientology.

However I cannot help feeling a little uneasy at the characteristics offered by Mr. Ballo about the scientologists methods and their suggested solutions to the problems they claim to uncover through their tests. While I have the deepest sympathy for him and his family, and mourn their loss as much as anyone, I find it interesting that he should be allowed to classify anyone as quacks. After all he has - quite publically - admitted to believing in healing by prayer, and supports the idea of alternative treatments based on religion and belief. All this while recently being appointed head of the Norwegian institute of forensic science.

Why is one any worse than the other, Ballo?

Annual mountain trip..

Mar 22, 2009 in Anduin

This years mountain trip is planned for the 21st to 23rd of August. Anyone who haven't received an invitation on the mailing list, let me know in a comment and I'll make sure you're added.

Macbook Air and throttling, core shutdown, etc.

Jul 23, 2008 in toys

I thought I'd add something to the numerous, but often lacking, rants about the well-known "core shutdown" problem with Macbook Air. I've reported it to Apple, and they have replied that they believe they will be able to fix it via a software/firmware update, but I am doubtful.

One point that noone (that I've found) have mentioned is that PRIOR to shutting down the core, the CPU has already been running at minimum (600 or 800 MHz) speed for a long, long time. In other words, this phenomenon doesn't simply cut your CPU in half - by the time it gets to that, it's already cut it to about 1/3 by throttling. Then that's cut in half again. No wonder those video encoding jobs in iTunes take ages...

I paid for a 1.8GHz machine. I expect every single one of those those GHzs to work for me whenever I need them. Of course, I'll keep the machine on a flat surface and keep the vents unobstructed. Anything else would be unfair. But under near-ideal conditions I expect to get what I paid for. 

I've seen Apple state that this is "by design". It's a feature, not a bug. UP YOURS, APPLE! I promise I'll make sure you learn a lesson (at least in Norway) if you try that bullshit with me.

I'm pissed off.
